Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trying to find a way to help others

Blogging has really opened my eyes to all sorts of doors God can open.  I have wanted to use my blog not only as an online journal and a place to document my photography, but I want to help others. 

I stumbled upon a site that was asking for other bloggers to be guest posts.  The Lord laid it upon my heart to ask if I could help out.  Heather told me yes, to type it up and send it her way!  I was very surprised when she posted my post!  I was so glad that my words were able to help someone else and I pray that they continue to.  The funny thing is, I prayed about what God would like me to post about and He told me.  So, when Heather recieved the post, she was surprised b/c God was talking to her about the same thing!  Isn't HE amazing?!

Anyways, here is my post- http://www.serveinlove.net/2011/04/02/time-in-the-word-or-in-the-world/

But, I would love for everyone else to check out this blog!  -  http://www.serveinlove.net/

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!!!


Mari said...

For some reason, I can't get that blog to open. Every time I try, my computer freezes, but it opens everything else. Weird, huh?

Lea Ann said...

Love it! Very true. Great job!

Sadie said...

That is odd Mari. Sorry. :(

Thanks Lea Ann!

My Offering said...

HI Sadie! I saw your comment on my blog and am so glad you visited and enjoyed reading. I am enjoying this world of blogging and enjoying all you have here in yours.