Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kindergarten News + 35/52

Ruthie is LOVING Kindergarten!!  I am amazed at how well she is doing.  I am soooooo proud of her b/c she has received the Principal's Award for good behavior, always listening, and being polite.  That makes me sooooooo proud!!!  Although home doesn't reflect that behavior, I still want to brag on her.  She's growing up, that's for sure.  The other night, she had her first night of "homework" and she was estatic!  I want to make that my P52 photo.  She's just too cute!

Not much else is going on.  Randy is doing great at daycare, which totally makes my life easier.  Work is going well.  Not really "into" it this year, but hopefully it will get better.  My heart is at home where I feel as though I should be, but that doesn't work for our family. 
Randall had the opportunity to preach this morning.  We enjoyed attending a new church and hearing him share the gospel.  So proud of the man I married.  Funny how our lives began and how they have completely changed, but only for the better.  I can only thank God for that.  Such a blessing!

1 comment:

Mari said...

What a cute picture! Glad she is enjoying kindergarten. My kids were the same way as Ruthie - I always heard how good they were in school and at home they weren't quite so angelic. :) I guess we are the same though - we don't always share our best behavior with our families.
It's nice that Randall is getting to do some preaching.