Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finally, I am updating this thing!

Sorry it's been a while. I am not the best at updating this thing.

It's been a pretty busy week. Last Monday night, we had Pat's memorial. It was very, very nice. A lot of people came out to show their respect. His family from CA that I visited when I was 12, drove down. It was really nice to see them all again. They are the sweetest people I know! They have such sweet hearts. I wish we could have met again under different circumstances though. Quite a few people said a few things about Pat. He was such a kind man. He never said anything bad about anyone. There are few people like him. He loved the outdoors whether it be canoing, hiking, camping, or fishing. He was a really great guy and he is truly missed. Please continue to keep his family in your prayers.

My aunt and cousin came down for the memorial. They are leaving tomorrow, but they will be back! Words can't explain how excited I am for this!

Everything is going good here. I had to get a part-time job at the grocery store to make ends meet. We are struggling, but putting our faith in Him. I know He will provide, and He has. I am still waiting on word from the school. I really hope that this position is available and I have a chance for it. While I am working at the grocery store, Ruthie will be going to daycare on the days that Randall and I both work. He works 3 on, 3 off, so she won't be in there full-time. The lady who will be taking care of her, is the same lady that took care of me! I feel truly blessed to have someone I know and trust to take care of her. I am not looking forward to taking her b/c I know I will be heart broken, but it's what I have to do.

We are still enjoying summer by swimming almost everyday. I am loving it for the exercise and relaxation.

We are leaving out for Branson and Silver Dollar City on the 4th! We will celebrate my niece's b-day at my mom and dad's pool on the 4th, and then we will meet up with Steph and Ski and head to Branson. This is the first 4th of July in 23 years that I have not attended the town's annual firework show. Our show isn't much, but it's something I will truly miss it. Randall and I have never celebrated with his side of the family, so this year we will with Steph and Ski in Branson! I am sure we will have an amazing time!

I also wanted to add a special thanks to Granny Darlene for posting a comment! I am glad you are reading and getting to see pics of Ruthie! We miss you guys! Hopefully we will make it up there soon!


Mari said...

I'm glad you got a job for now. It will be tough bringing Ruthie at first, but it does get easier and it really helps that you know who will be taking care of her!

Cheri said...

It is so tough bringing your kids to daycare but Mari's right- it will be so nice to have someone you trust.

Your cards are so cute- I used to do that too- hope it helps you out!