Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Five....yes, five....

That's baby girl is five years old. Where in the world has the time gone? Seriously, this is rough stuff right here. Being a mom of a five year old makes me feel OLD, even though I am only 26. She's my baby, she can't be five....

I guess I have to deal with it right? We celebrated her fifth birthday at our house. I like to have it at the church so I don't have to clean, but it was booked, so.....I cleaned like a mad woman. Ruthie was super excited about being five and having her party. She's so easy to please. I don't go all out for decorations. We bought Hello Kitty napkins and made homemade cakes and she was thrilled!'s some photos of her celebrating. This post is very bittersweet for me.


Mari said...

Happy Birthday to Ruthie!
I remember feeling the same when my kids where that age. Now my youngest is 22!

Robin said...

She's gorgeous! Happy Birthday Ruthie! ((hugs)) to you mama! Bittersweet...

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Happy Birthday to Ruthie! She's so cute! My little ones love Pillow Pets too!

Our Family said...

You have the most lovely 5 year old I've ever seen! Happy birthday to her! I wish I could tell you they get easier, but that's not my experience so far. It's worth it though. (((hugs))) to you.