Monday, June 18, 2012

Bit late, but still deserves a post

My baby girl graduated Kindergarten.  :(  This means she is leaving our small little kindergarten building and headed off to the big lower elementary....  This mamma is heart-broken.  She is all grown up and such a blessing in our lives.  Her heart is so big.  She was smiling the ENTIRE graduation.  No joke.

Not only did our baby girl graduate, but our little boy was in a program put on by his daycare.  Let's just say, this was PURE ENTERTAINMENT.  These pics will not do it justice, but I have to share anyways.  

1 comment:

Mari said...

These pictures were so sweet! Both of your kids are so cute. Randy looks so mischevious. :)
Hooray for Ruthie - but it is hard to see them growing up!